Friday, May 13, 2011

Breaking Down Google's Search Results Page

Everyone's done it - Gone online, went to Google and searched for a local business. Typically when someone searches for a business on Google three types of results will appear. Google breaks up the page into three distinct sections:

  1. Organic or Natural listings
  2. AdWords or Sponsored Links
  3. Google Places or Google Maps section.
One common question business owners ask us is: "Where is the best place for my website to be to get conversions?" The answer of course depends on who is searching because everyone has a different tendency to click on a certain section of the page.  Some people will automatically click on the first sponsored link, while others will skip the sponsored links and maps sections altogether and go right to the natural listings. The truth is that any exposure on the first page of Google is good.  Their are by far more people searching on Google than all of the other search engines combined.  That being said here are a few different benefits to each section:

Organic or Natural Listings 

These results appear below the sponsored links on the top of the page and usually below the maps as well. The main benefit of having a good natural listing is that it will provide long term results for your business. Gaining a high ranking natural listing is a long term, time consuming project that can take a while to achieve.  However once you do get a steady stream of traffic to your site you will continue to see results even after you have slowed down or stopped your SEO efforts. Another major benefit is that most people who search click on the natural listings.

AdWords or Sponsored Links

These results appear on the top and right hand side of the page. The major benefit of Google AdWords or pay per click advertising is that it is the quickest and easiest way to get your website on the first first page of Google. AdWords are helpful for all businesses but are particularly advantageous for E-Commerce sites. You select a daily ceiling on how much you spend to fit your budget. You get to select what keywords your ad will be shown for and only pay when someone clicks on your ad and lands on your website. You get to target the specific people who are searching for your site through research and analysis of keywords. 

Google Places or Google Maps

These results appear right and co-mingled  the sponsored links. These results are only triggered locally or when someone is searching in a specific city. A major advantage of having your business listed here is that your phone number will appear along side your listing. People can call you without ever clicking on your listing. Businesses can create these listing for free through Google's local business center, however continual optimization is required to achieve and maintain a good ranking.

Since everyone has different preferences on where they usually click on the page, we recommend a combination of having your site listed in all three sections of the page to maximize your websites potential.

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