Friday, April 3, 2015

Blogging Is Hard To Do

We had given up blogging there for a while. It really can take a lot of time and usually never results in anything other than spam comments to moderate - from people being paid slave wages to post backlinks to their clients websites.

So, will we keep blogging? Not for a while. Currently we are too busy helping business owners make money online. Obviously, maintaining this blog has taken the back burner for a couple years now.

I know that everyone starts a blog and then can never maintain it. I advise people over and over NOT TO DO IT, it's the first thing that goes bye bye when things get busy. Who has time to blog when you are running a successful business? If you are not running a successful business, you shouldn't be spending all that free extra time writing a blog. You should be doing other things to improve your business. There are more important things to do online.

Maybe the next time we are up to it, we will share something new.